Thursday, January 20, 2011

GERMANY - SWITZERLAND - PUBLICATIONS - Islamic banking in Germany and Switzerland

I did stumble upon this somewhat older "Diplomarbeit"(2009)

Islamic banking in Germany and Switzerland

 Aichbichler, Eloana (2009) 
Islamic banking in Germany and Switzerland.

Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Betreuerin: Jumah, Adusei
(PDF-Viewer: z.B. GSview, Xpdf, Foxit, kpdf (Linux)
oder Adobe Acrobat Reader)
712Kb - 108 Pages

Abstract in English

In the here present paper the German and the Swiss market for Islamic banking is investigated and afterwards compared. Therefore, in a first step and for a better understanding of the subject the development of Islamic banking and the integration in a global context is highlighted. Furthermore, the basics and principles that every market participant has to follow are discussed, since without knowlegde of these principles one could not understand Islamic banking. Moreover, this description is necessary in order to differentiate Islamic banking from conventional banking and show the differences between these two concepts. In the subsequent chapter individual financial instruments and possible applications in a real economic environment are explained. In the main part the German and Swiss market are described more into detail. Market participants are identified that are present on the two national markets and that offer Islamic products there. In order to be able to compare the market potential of the two countries, the muslim population is examined by taking into account the demographic and social situation. Thereafter, several financial instruments are tested regarding their applicability. In the last chapter a comparison is drawn between the German and Swiss market related to the offer of financial instruments, market development, market potential and growth potential for new providers.

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